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Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda (Old Tatar settlement) - preservation of historical heritage

Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda is a historical district of Kazan, a place that Tatars have chosen in the city to live since the 16th century. It had its own Hay Market, soap and beer factories, merchants' mansions and mosques.

Today it is a historical district with a unique architecture of the XVIII-XIX centuries between the Nizhniy Kaban Lake and the Bulak Channel. The heart of the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda is a small Yunusov Square. The famous Shamil House, a mansion in eclectic style with turrets and hammered weather vanes reminiscent of a medieval castle, is located on this square. It houses the Gadbulla Tukay literary museum. One of the largest mosques of Kazan Al-Marjani Mosque of the XVIII century is located not far from this museum where tourists are quietly allowed to visit.

ul Gabdulli Tukaya 90
420000, Kazan
GPS coordinates
55.7757382, 49.1173699
Opening Hours
No information on opening hours is still available.
850 m
Bar • Hookah bar
+7 905 3171147
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650 m
Pir i Par
Restaurant • Wine bar • Hookah bar
+7 843 2502882
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1.7 km
Kazan Federal University
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1.1 km
Kontora 57
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+7 929 7275757
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550 m
12 futov
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+7 843 2381229
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650 m
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+7 843 5901010
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1 km
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+7 937 7706767
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1.3 km
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Museums and Exhibitions
450 m
Vegan Day
Banquet room • Café
+7 843 2483027
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600 m
Tatarskaya Usadba
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+7 987 2250433
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1 km
Bar • Lounge • Hookah bar • Café
+7 937 7706767
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1 km
Royal BAR
Restaurant • Banquet room • Hookah bar • Catering
+7 987 2264600
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650 m
+7 843 2779779
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700 m
Karetnyj dvor
Restaurant • Banquet room • Hookah bar
+7 843 2053101
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900 m
Restaurant • Karaoke • Banquet room • Hookah bar
+7 843 2376430
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1.1 km
Xleb i Vino
Restaurant • Bar
+7 843 2366144
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700 m
Brigga Viking
Restaurant • Banquet room • Grill bar
+7 843 2391909
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600 m
Tatarskaya Usadba
Restaurant • Hotel • Grill bar • Catering
+7 843 5610362
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950 m
Millennium Park
Parks and recreation • Other places
600 m
Tatarskaya usadba
Restaurant • Banquet room • Catering
+7 987 2250433
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1000 m
Restaurant • Karaoke • Bar • Hookah bar
+7 843 2779505
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600 m
Restaurant • Banquet room • Hookah bar • Catering
+7 843 2589295
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650 m
Restaurant • Bar • Hookah bar
+7 843 2779944
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850 m
Night Club • Karaoke • Bar • Hookah bar
+7 843 2256500
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1.1 km
Kontora 57
Karaoke • Banquet room • Hookah bar • Café
+7 929 7275757
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700 m
Restaurant • Banquet room • Bar • Hookah bar
+7 843 2391909
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1 km
Bilyar Palas
Restaurant • Banquet room • Hotel • Lounge
+7 843 5673377
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700 m
Night Club • Banquet room • Café • Catering
+7 843 2581025
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850 m
Restaurant • Night Club • Brewery • Bar
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750 m
Prestige House Verona
Restaurant • Hotel
+7 843 2939060
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600 m
Restaurant • Catering
+7 843 2934893
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800 m
Ashхana Xola
+7 937 24495
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600 m
Restaurant • Catering
+7 843 2934893
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