The monumental bronzeLuther Memorial -the world’s largest Reformation monument- speaks of the roleof the city of Worms in the history of Protestantism. It was created by Ernst Rietscheland was installed on Lutherplatz in 1868.
Martin Luther with a Bible in his hand stands inthe center of the work. He is surrounded by the forerunners of the Reformation-JohnWycliffe, Peter Waldo, Girolamo Savonarola and Huss. The statues of his patrons-Frederickof Saxony with a bare sword and Luther, who was hiding in his castle being declareda heretic, and Philipp von Hessen-are on Luther’s right and left. In total, thememorial includes 11 statues, including three statues of women. They symbolizethe benchmarks for the Reformation of the towns of Speyer, Augsburg andMagdeburg. The memorial’s bas reliefs illustrate the Reformation’s differentstages.