Museum of Working Horse in the Estate "Another World" - Greetings from the Peasants' World

Visiting the Museum of Working Horse in the estate «Another World» is the best way to learn about the traditional Russian way of life. Here you can not only see how the ordinary peasants’ daily routine was arranged, but also try to plunge into it. A nice bonus after the tour is home-made beer brewed by the museum owners.

All the exhibits in the Museum of Working Horse, from furniture to kitchen utensils, are original. Employees of the museum in national Russian costumes show how exactly Russian peasants stoked a furnace, baked bread, spun wool into yarn and embroidered. There is also a 9-hour excursion «One Day of Peasant Life», during which visitors try to do all this by themselves. For those wishing to plunge deeper into the peasant life, master classes are held on various crafts: weaving from the vine, making rag dolls, straw toys and birch bark rattles. Moreover, animated programs are organized here for children, with contests and riddles based on Russian fairy tales.

Particular attention is paid to the very working horse, the animal, which was especially important in the peasant farm. Here you can not only learn how to groom and yoke a wagon, but also go on a horse trip, even for the whole day. You can also stay in the estate for a few days, since a guest house is open here.


derevnya Ivashkovo
Opening Hours
Now - closed
Mon-Sun 11:00-17:00