Ahalf-ruined Winneburg castle rises above the green Endert valley four kilometers from Cochem. The patrimonyhousing of Winneburgs, like Reichsburg Castle, was seized in1689 by troops of the French King Louis XIV. And like all the importantfortresses of the region it was exploded during the retreat of the French.Archaeologists are currently working here, and in summer the castle hostsunusual reconstructions of spear running and medieval celebrations, duringwhich you can truly experience the atmosphere of the XV-XVI centuries.
There is a tristful legend telling about the appearance of the Winneburgcastle in the XIII century. The architect, hired by a noble Count for thecastle construction, delayed the project and the customer threatened to dismisshim and address to competitors. The conceited master, being afraid of fiasco,requested the devil’s assistance, who has agreed to build a castle in a nightin exchange for the architect’s daughter. The master was not only horrified tohear such a demand, but also started to bargain: he thought that the devil hadnot only to build a castle in exchange for the daughter, but also endow himwith wealth and glory. The master brought the crying daughter to the devil atthe hour stated. However, the Satan's assistants took not only the poor girl,but also her selfish father. The Satan kept his word: the castle for the Countwas built within the timescale agreed. The story runs that the castle stilllies in ruins because of its "devilish" origin...