Coppenbrügge Castle is located 15km east of Hameln. Inthe Middle Ages it was a moated fortress. In the XVI century the castle wasrebuilt in the Weser Renaissance style. Most likely, Russian Emperor Peter Ifound it in that way. In 1697 he started his Grand Embassy mission from Moscowto Amsterdam and met with Electress Sophia of Hanover and her daughter SophiaCharlotte at Coppenbrügge. According to legend, a tree is still growing at thewalls of the castle that remained from the time of a joint feast of Peter I andthe noble ladies organized at the end of the XVII century. This tree, that is astall as a three-storey house, is estimated to be 500-700 years old!
In the XVIIIcentury Coppenbrügge Castle was once again rebuilt in the Baroque style.However, shortly after its sale in 1822 to the Kingdom of Hanover, the castlebegan to decline, and the main building was destroyed. Now, the renovatedcastle is a museum, which presents traditional local crafts. Here you can lookat the pottery, spinning room, cobbler shop, as well as the kitchen, whereeveryday objects of the past century have survived.