Rammenau Castle is the only mansion of the XVIIIcentury in Saxony, preserved in its original form. It was built in the firsthalf of the XVIII century. In 1762, the eminent German philosopher JohannGottlieb Fichte was born in it. The construction of the palace in the Baroquestyle ruined its first owner von Knoch, and the castle was resold severaltimes, until it was nationalized in 1945. In 1967, the History Museum(Geschichtsmuseums) was opened at the building, which covers the 300-yearhistory of the mansion.
Inside Rammenau Castle,you can see the rich decoration of the themed rooms: the Chinese, Pompeian,Bird, Peacock, and hunting rooms. The Hall of Mirrors regularly hosts concerts.In late August, the castle hosts the Flax Festival (Oberlausitzer Leinen),which attracts local weavers, designers, engaged in spinning, basket weaving,paper making.