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Shopping Arcade of the Gostiny Dvor as a Decoration of the Town

The Shopping Arcade of the Gostiny Dvor (meaning a guest court) is in the center of Yuryev-Polsky. They were built in the middle of the XIX century and are a real decoration of the town. The wooden gallery on the first floor of the building reminds of the old times. This is a classic example of a commercial construction of those times safely have been used to this day.
It is in the Shopping Arcade of the Gostiny Dvor that you can most easily find cute local souvenirs: birch bark products and various types of ceramic products. The soil in the vicinity of Yuryev-Polsky was always rich in different types of clay, and therefore pottery was known to the people from time immemorial. For many centuries, local craftsmen carefully keep here the technology of making true masterpieces of black ceramics, white and red clay.

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Sovetskaya ploshhad
601800, YurevPolskiy
Opening Hours
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Mon-Sun 09:00-18:00