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Railway Station Smolensk as a Communication with Moscow

The first Rigo-Orlovskaya railway branch appeared in Smolensk in 1868. Two years later, the city got a communication with Moscow. However, the first neoclassical building of Smolensk railway station has not survived to this day.
Today's neo-classical building, typical for the Soviet times, was built in the early 50's of the XX century. The symmetrical facade of the station with two turrets on each side, a recessed arc above the entrance and a colonnade faces the spacious Vokzalnaya Square. The building is decorated with stucco, semi-columns and decorative details. The interiors with high arches and powerful columns contain art reproductions of works by Serov, Shishkin and other Russian painters. The Railway Station Smolensk underwent a global reconstruction in 2006. As a result, several waiting rooms, a cafe, storage rooms and 11 ticket offices appeared there.
Privokzalnaya pl 1
214012, Smolensk
Official website
Opening Hours
Now - closed
Mon-Sun 00:00-24:00
1.2 km
+7 4812 377070
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1.9 km
7 slonov
Restaurant • Bar • Sushi bar • Café • Pizzeria • Catering
+7 4812 387799
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2 km
Restaurant • Banquet room • Hotel • Bar
+7 4812 680388
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2.4 km
Coffee shop • Patisserie
+7 2567071 481
2.3 km
+7 4812 666715
1 km
Restaurant • Banquet room
+7 48122 44999
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2 km
Traveler’s coffee
Coffee shop • Patisserie
+7 4812 374888
850 m
Church of Ioann Theologian on Varyag
Architectural Monuments • Temples and places of worship • Cathedrals and churches • Other places
2.2 km
Restaurant • Banquet room • Hotel • Catering
+7 4812 444495
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2.3 km
Dvojnoe Solnce
Restaurant • Café
+7 4812 630220
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450 m
Na Avtovokzale
Snack bar
+7 951 7192437
2 km
Night Club • Bar • Pub
+7 4812 563335
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2.4 km
Restaurant • Hotel
+7 4812 771812
1.4 km
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Architectural Monuments • Temples and places of worship • Cathedrals and churches
900 m
Upitannyj Enot
Restaurant • Banquet room • Café • Catering
+7 4812 775555
850 m
Embankment of the Dnepr River
Other places
550 m
Bar • Café
+7 951 7049584
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1.6 km
Bar • Café
+7 4812 350611
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1.1 km
Hotel • Bar
+7 48122 270028
2.2 km
+7 48122 42444
1.9 km
Craft Pizza
+7 4812 569919
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2 km
Black & white
Sushi bar • Café
+7 4812 383255
1.6 km
Blackberry bar
Bar • Hookah bar • Café
+7 4812 600146
2.3 km
Sushi Xit
Sushi bar • Pizzeria • Catering
+7 4812 566848
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150 m
Peter and Paul Church na Gorodyanke
Architectural Monuments • Temples and places of worship • Cathedrals and churches • Other places
400 m
Restaurant • Hotel
+7 4812 632409
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2 km
La Cantine Russe
Restaurant • Café
+7 4812 326616
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800 m
Kristina A
Restaurant • Hotel
+7 48122 84002
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1.9 km
Bar • Café
+7 4812 389970
2.1 km
Medvezhya berloga
+7 951 7035601
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1000 m
Restaurant • Hotel
+7 4812 385931
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2.4 km
Restaurant • Inn
+7 4812 771812
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1.9 km
Vkusnyj Dom
Bar • Café
+7 4812 569919
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600 m
Restaurant • Club • Bar • Café
+7 4812 218119
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