Krasnoselsky Museum of Jewelry Art (Krasnoye-na-Volge village)

The jewelry industry exists in the village of Krasnoye-na-Volge for more than a thousand years. The secrets of fine art in the village, located 35 kilometers far from Kostroma, were passed from father to son for centuries. In the XIX century the products of the Krasnoselsky masters for every taste and purse were sold at every Russian fair. In 1904 the village founded a training workshop, and in 1979 the first floor of the workshop was taken under the museum.
In the rural museum of jewelry art one can admire the unique Krasnoselsky filigree work and samples of Old Believers' copper casting, learn about the traditions of jewelry and its centuries-old history and get acquainted with the works of modern masters.
Sovetskaya ul 49
157940, selo KrasnoenaVolge
Opening Hours
Now - closed
Mon-Sun 10:00-18:00