Technik Museum in Speyer includes several large halls and an open-airarea with about three thousand exhibits in its collection. These are aircrafts,helicopters, a submarine, and a variety of vintage and modern cars as well asengines, rollers, fire trucks, rescue vehicles, mechanical musical instruments.There is even an old carousel with horses: after all it's also technics. Mostof the exhibits are open for exploring not only from outside but also from inside.
Boeing 747 is among themost popular exhibits. You can rise to the aircraft wing, which serves as akind of viewing platform. Part of the skin in one of the salons is removed, soyou can get an idea of the internal structure of the aircraft. The undisputedstar of the museum collection is one of the famous Soviet Burans. This is notthe Buran, which was sent to the space in 1988, but one of the experimentalmodels. Nevertheless, the museum visitors’ interest in it is no less. The totalcost of its acquisition, the subsequent transportation and accommodation in aspecially built pavilion amounted to around 10 million euros.