St Paul's Monastery wasfounded in the late XIII century. It is considered one of the great Dominicanmonasteries in northern Germany. Originally the residence of Margrave Otto IIIwas located there. He died in his ownership, surrounded by Dominican monks to whomthe land and the buildings subsequently passed. They were later converted intoa Gothic monastery complex
Before theReformation, St. Paul’s Monastery was the center of spiritual life of theregion, then became emptied, and in 1945 was completely destroyed. Since 2008,the Archaeological Museum (Archäologische Landesmuseum Brandenburg) has beenlocated in the restored monastery. It contains 10 thousand exhibits, the oldestof which is more than 50 thousand years old! One of the most remarkable thingshere is the special six-meters-high diorama, showing the cultural layers of thetown from the ice age to the present.