According to the chronicles, constructionof the medieval St. Mary’s Church lasted 250 years! The temple was finallybuilt in 1253, right after the founding of Frankfurt an der Oder. This is aclassic monument of the North German Gothic architecture - humble and at thesame time majestic.
Despitethe numerous reconstructions, the amazing stained-glass windows of the XIVcentury are still preserved in the church. Three huge windows contain over 100different biblical images, such as the Creation myth, salvation of Noah on theArk from the Flood, scenes from the Gospel and the apocalyptic prophecy aboutcoming of the Antichrist. Parishioners managed to save the interior of St.Mary's Church from the wars, fires and destructions. The ancient altar andbronze candlesticks of the XV century, several unique works of religious arthave survived here. As in ancient times, the church is the main parish churchin Frankfurt an der Oder, where regular Sunday masses and charity concerts areheld.