The Lutheran Church of St. Martin in Stadthagen isworth a visit for the ancient altar of 1460 by Flemish masters. It is anexquisite bas-relief of alabaster and marble, covered with gold leaf. JesusChrist on the Cross, the Virgin Mary, John the Baptist and other evangelicalcharacters are depicted on it. The tomb of Count Otto and original wrought-irongrilles and sculptures, the pulpit of the XVI century, where you can see imagesof the four evangelists, the elegant carved choir aisles have also been preservedin the temple.
The Prince’sMausoleum (Fürstliches Mausoleum) in St. Martin’s Church is also worth specialattention. Many critics consider it an independent attraction. It is located atthe back of the choir aisles. The mausoleum was built by Prince Ernst and hiswife (later widowed) Hedwig von Hessen-Kassel in 1622. In contrast to themodest decoration of the church, the mausoleum is decorated luxuriously. Thereare frescoes depicting biblical scenes of the Last Judgement and theresurrection of Lazarus to the right and left of the entrance. The sarcophagus richlydecorated with bronze and marble is supported by the prince’s four lion andfour ancient Roman warriors look into eternity from the cornice of the portico.The family Coat of Arms and several sculptures in the center of the mausoleum weremade by famous master Adriaen de Vries, whose works are in the Louvre and in theMuseum of History in Vienna.