St. Johann New Town Hall, built in the Neo-Gothicstyle in 1897-1900, is one of the most beautiful buildings in Saarbrücken. Itwas designed by Architect Georg von Hauberrisser, who also built the town hallsin Munich and Wiesbaden. The 54m-high tower is the central element of the TownHall. There is a carillon on the tower that rings every day at 3:03pm and7:07pm.
Thewell-preserved facade is decorated with a statue of sandstone depictingrepresentatives of various crafts. The figure of Saint George defeating thedragon is the Hall’s other adornment. It is not very clear how they appeared onthe Town Hall, dedicated to St. Johann. According to one theory, they symbolizethe eternal struggle between good and evil. According to another version, inthis way the architect honored the memory of his namesake saint. Inside youshould have a look at the ballroom, where more than a thousand marriages areheld in a year.