One of the most unique sanctuaries in the world - thesanctuary of bats - is, perhaps, in Frankfurt an der Oder. The old half-ruined breweryin the center of the town has become a refuge for the thousands of bats. Abouttwo thousand of these nocturnal animals randomly chose this place for winteringin the 1980s, and since then they wish no other home for themselves!
Thesanctuary of bats is considered the largest colony of these animals in Germanyand is under state protection. The brewery is left to the bats for perpetualuse and is surrounded with a 40-meter wide exclusion zone. In 2006, thebuilding was repaired and winterized for the convenience of bats. According to researchstatistics, the number of these animals goes up year by year, and among them thereare such rare species of bats as a pond bat, a big eared bat and others.