The ruins of the old Rotenhan Castle are one of the most beautiful places in the vicinity of the Franconian town of Ebern. The castle was built in the XII century by Baron Wolfram von Rotenhan. Rotenhans were usually the bishops of Bamberg. In 1324 the Bishop of Bamberg completely broke out with the Bishop of Würzburg. The troops besieged the Würzburg Castle of bishop Rotenhan. The siege was successful, the castle was destroyed. Instead, the Rotenhans built the nearby new Eyrihskhof Castle. Old Castle is gradually turned into ruins.
It is interesting that the House of von Rotenhan is still the owner of the castle, although it is destroyed. However, tourists can explore the old castle ruins. They are officially protected by the state as a historical and architectural monument. This is dictated by the originality of the design of Rotenhan Castle. It seems to be embedded in the rock located near the site of its construction. It is extremely unusual for medieval architecture. Anyone traveling around Ebern will appreciate its originality.