4 photos

On a Visit to Polar Bears

Rostock Zoo is the largest on the Baltic coast of Germany and one of the oldest in the country. In 1999, it celebrated its centenary. It is home to more than 4 thousand animals belonging to 320 different species. They include both the usual animals for zoos and representatives of rare species. In particular, Rostock specializes in keeping and breeding of fauna of the Arctic Circle.

Rostock Zoo has the spectacle most popular among visitors - the Bear Castle (Bärenburg). The bear born in December 2014 is its new star. Last time a bear was born here over ten years ago, which explains the general enthusiasm for the new inhabitant of the zoo. The baby bear has become everyone's favorite. For those who cannot visit it often, the Zoo publishes a detailed diary of its life on its website.

In 2012, Darwineum, the museum of living "exhibits", named after the author of the theory of natural selection, opened at the zoo. Its inhabitants are chosen so as to illustrate the evolution and diversity of species on Earth. Tropenhalle – the exhibition of tropical animals- takes the central part of the museum, where you can admire gibbons, gorillas, orangutans and monkeys. The neighboring exhibition is dedicated to the cultural evolution of man.

The plants adorning its territory are separate pride of the Zoo. They include a huge 125-year-old mahogany, oak alley, rhododendron grove and land with dahlias.

ed the dates for 133 years in advance using computer.

Barnstorfer Ring 2
18059, Rostock
GPS coordinates
54.079374, 12.077758
Official website
Opening Hours
Now - closed
Mon-Sun 08:00-17:00
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+49 381 2029574
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Restaurant • Café
+49 381 37778949
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+49 178 8188610
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Fritz Reuter Stuben
Restaurant • Catering
+49 381 2003888
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Suppenwerk Rostock
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+49 381 8772720
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Bar • Café
+49 381 2109927
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