The Open-Air Roman Museum in Hechingen isevidence found by archeologists of life of the Romans in this land. In the1970s the first excavations began here. Later it was called Suburban Villa(Villa Rustica). The remains of the walls of houses, colonnade, ruins of atemple, baths, forges and mills were found here. The reconstructed buildings,as well as living quarters, gates and towers, can be seen today in all theirglory.
Archaeologistshave found that the country villa, which became a Roman open air museum, wasbuilt at the end of the I century BC and was repeatedly being extended and completedfor the next 100 years. It was found during excavations that the main room ofthe villa was beautifully furnished. This gave reason to believe that the villabelonged to a wealthy Roman family. It was inhabited until the middle of theIII century AD. Historians believe that the owners left their property becauseof the gradually increasing invasions by the Allemann on these lands. The Romanfestival (Römerfest) is held at the museum in August every two years, involvingenthusiasts and others dressed up in Roman costumes and act out scenes from thelife of the Romans.