There are three botanical gardens under the University of Göttingen. The most popular of them is the old botanical garden. It is visited by more than 100 thousand people annually. The townspeople love this place for its quietness and privacy, despite the fact that the garden is located in the historic center, across the street from the main campus. The garden was founded in 1736 by doctor, naturalist and poet Albrecht von Haller, who collected the first collection of plants for teaching students and for pharmacological purposes.
The garden grew steadily due to the exotic flora brought from all over the world. In the XIX century greenhouses with tropical plants appeared in the garden. It is home not only for plants, but also for birds, bats, amphibians and numerous insects, including rare ones. From among all the gardens in Germany, only Berlin’s Garden exceeds the Botanical Garden of Göttingen (with 17,000 plant species) with its diversity.