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Museum of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest and Kalkriese Park

There is a place to the north of Osnabrück, where therewas a fatal battle for the Roman Empire. As a result of the Battle of theTeutoburg Forest in the IX century, the Germanic tribes led by former Romanlegionary Arminius defeated the army of ten-thousand Romans and gainedindependence. Historians have long debated over the exact location, where theGermans attacked the Romans. About 6 thousand artifacts- weapons, householditems, bones of humans and animals belonging to the Legion of the time -werefound during excavations around the Kalkriese mountains in the vicinity ofOsnabrück in 1989. 

Studies arecontinuing in the Teutoburg Forest, but now not only scientists can deal with thehistory. The museum details the history and progress of the battle. You canfeel yourself as a commander surveying the battle field climbing up the40-meter tower. It was built in 2002 together with the Museum of the Battle ofthe Teutoburg Forest near Osnabrück.

From the museumyou can walk on the mountain along Trail of Romans (Weg der Römer), lined withsteel plates. Every two years, the museum organizes Days of the Romans and theGermans (Die Römer- und Germanentage). During the festival, the participants inhistorical costumes establish a tent camp in the park at the museum toreconstruct the events of the IX century Fireworks and light shows areorganized in the park on Easter in even-numbered years.

Venner Straße 69
49565, Bramsche
Official website
Opening Hours
Now - closed
Mon-Sun 09:00-17:00
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Museum of Industrial Culture
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+49 5407 857870
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Gasthaus Beckmann
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+49 5407 6126
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Erich Maria Remarque Peace Centre
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+49 5473 1366
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+49 5461 2395
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St. Peter’s Cathedral
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+49 5461 9089188
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