Lüdinghausen Castle is located in the center of Lüdinghausen. Actually, the castle gave the city its name. It was the residence of the von Lüdinghausen family. The castle was built in the XII century, but it underwent significant restructuring in the Renaissance era. And thus it became a Renaissance building, beautiful and elegant. With its style, it resembles Italian palaces of the Dukes somewhere in Ferrara and Mantua. One can say that Lüdinghausen was a kind of entertainment center of the time- available, however, only to the aristocrats.
The castle is in the city’s heart, close to the Town Hall Square. Today, the most significant holidays and events in the life of the city, concerts and other events take place here. It hosts the Lüdinghausen Cultural Forum on a continuing basis, houses the city's history museum, a contemporary art exhibition. There is a room for self-education with interactive features and educational films. You should also enjoy a stroll in the Parque de Taverny, lying in front of the castle, admiring its moat and water lilies. You can ride a bicycle across the bridge to the neighboring Vischering Castle. The program can be very busy; it all depends on your wish and openness to something new.