The Japanese Garden in the Bavarian Furth im Wald soundly continued the "dragon theme" in the town where deliverance from the degrading slavery is celebrated every year. The idea of the garden of stones in Furth im Wald was offered by the Japanese-German designer Masumi Böttcher-Muraki. According to his idea, the garden has to personify two dragons: a dragon of the Western world which, according to legend, lived in Furth im Wald, and the dragon of the East, which is hold in veneration in the East Asian countries. The idea of this garden can be wider interpreted as a unity of the Western and Eastern civilizations.
Pine trees for the garden are brought from Japan, and outlines of the gravel-lined figures must resemble the seas, which wash the Land of the Rising Sun all around. The garden already captured the hearts of residents of "the City of Dragons" since opening in June 2001. The Japanese Garden in Furth is also called Zengarten. Many people visit this corner of the East to relax and gain strength needed to counter the challenges of the Western civilization.