There are a lot of beautiful houses of differenteras and styles in Limburg. One of the most famous of them is the “House of theseven deadly sins” (Haus der Sieben Laster) in Brückengasse street that leads from the OldBridge to the center of Limburg. This is a half-timbered house of 1567, thefacade of which is decorated with sculpted masks personifying seven biblicalvices: pride, envy, greed, lust, gluttony, wrath and sloth. Although thebuilding is privately owned, it houses a small museum and an antique store.
Another famoushouse in Limburg is Hensler bakery (Baeckerei Hensler). Tourists are attractedby not only the divine aroma of fresh baking, but also the unusual nature ofthe house itself. The bakery has been working since 1689 (albeit withinterruptions) and is still owned by the family of Hensler. In the XX century, oneof the representatives of the dynasty, Friedel Hensler, decorated the half-timberedbake-house with quaint figures of red-brown color. They seem to be made of a saltydough, but in fact it is a plaster on a wire frame. A beautiful buildingWalderdorffer Hof in the western part of the Old town resembles that Limburg isnot only a town with half-timbered houses. Its architecture organicallycombines features of the Renaissance and Baroque style. The building was builtupon the project of Italian artists by order of Wilderich von Walderdorff, thefuture Bishop of Vienna, and his younger brother Johann Philipp.