Hotel "The House of the Giant", located in the Bavarian Miltenberg, is the oldest hotel in Germany. The first mention of the inn on this site dates back to 1158. However, that building has not survived. The modern half-timbered building was apparently built in the early XV century. The hotel got its present appearance in 1589. They say reformist preacher Martin Luther stayed in it even earlier.
The inn always enjoyed success and its owners prospered. Apparently, it excited the envy of the townspeople: in 1627, its owner Lorenz Beck was burned at the stake. The next owners of the hotel, the Stumpf spouses, shared the same fate two years later. Beck's daughter, who married Leonard Allemann continued his job. They and their descendants saved the hotel from destruction. Moreover, just in these years, historical figures such as King of Sweden Gustav Adolf, commander Albrecht Wallenstein and Prince Eugene of Savoy paid attention to the hotel.
The fame of the historic building has allowed the hotel to survive until the present day. The list of famous guests of the hotel in the sixties of the XX century was added by the Rock and Roll King Elvis Presley. In 1970 the hotel was reconstructed. In April 2001, the first floor was made a beer hall and serves as such till today. The brewery is located in the building, which is protected as a historic monument. It is always crowded. This is, perhaps, the most popular place in the town.