3 photos

German Naval Museum, Wilhelmshaven

The German Naval Museum in Wilhelmshaven is one ofthe most important of the sphere in Europe, and is certainly the mostrepresentative in Germany! After all, the German navy has been based here sincethe second half of the XIX century. The museum’s main exhibit is a smallsubmarine, which has not enough space for even two people!

In the Naval Museumof Wilhelmshaven there is a real U10 submarine, as well as the destroyer, whichhad a crew of 334. Other big ships are named after famous people (Bismarck), orthe cities of the North Sea (Emden). Almost always, even in the summer there isa wind blowing from the North Sea, and larger vessels are laid up in an openarea. So you should take something warm with you to be able to inspect themthoroughly. There is also an interesting historical exposition there coveringthe life of sailors in warships, their way of life and leisure. The expositionprovides a lot of information about different types of ships, their equipment, constructionand opportunities. After a visit to the museum, people can feel even a littleskilled in the sphere!

Südstrand 125
26382, Wilhelmshaven
GPS coordinates
53.513177, 8.140514
Official website
Opening Hours
Now - closed
Mon-Sun 08:00-16:00
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Fisch Kalter
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+49 4421 993344
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News Café
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+49 4423 9164451
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4.5 km
Restaurant • Hotel • Bar
+49 4421 75650
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Fish restaurant • Catering
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Le Patron am Meer
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+49 4421 368457
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3.3 km
Bistro • Grill bar
+49 4421 23639
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Le Valois
+49 4421 485452
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Gorch Fock Haus
Restaurant • Hotel
+49 4421 41818
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5 km
+49 4421 74060
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Sushi bar • Catering
+49 4421 7598068
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550 m
Suedstrand 101
Restaurant • Snack bar • Catering
+49 4421 7780664
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170 m
Restaurant • Coffee bar • Hotel
+49 4421 7557670
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+49 4421 31255
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Bluhende Schiffahrt
Biergarten • Tavern
+49 4421 771809
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1.6 km
Restaurant • Café
+49 4421 137773
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12 km
Gödens Castle
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Ouzo №14
+49 4421 12002
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Bonny'S Diner
+49 4421 982505
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17 km
Jever Castle Museum
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Pier 24
Restaurant • Bar
+49 4421 7785755
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Tsing Tau
+49 4421 55123
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Bistro Galerie
Restaurant • Catering
+49 4421 37508
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La Gondola bei Gino
Restaurant • Catering
+49 4421 43275
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Kaiser Wilhelm Rotating Bridge
Architectural Monuments
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Bahnhof West
Restaurant • Steak House • Catering
+49 4421 994193
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Steak House
+49 4421 31971
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230 m
Aquarium Wilhelmshaven
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Bant Ruine
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+49 4421 41486
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2.4 km
Akdeniz Mittelmeer
Restaurant • Steak House
+49 4421 806030
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1.7 km
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+49 4421 7595095
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da Cosimo
+49 4421 7550139
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1.7 km
Steak House • Fast Food • Grill bar
+49 4421 9875695
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1.7 km
+49 4421 34305
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650 m
Fish restaurant • Catering
+49 4421 43143
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