Only three kilometers away from the Braunfels centre,there is the castle of Philippstein. Or rather, whatever is left of it. UnlikeBraunfels castle which was wonderfully preserved notwithstanding fires andinternecine wars, Philippstein castle didn’t reach us in complete form. Howevereven in this condition it can be interesting. It was constructed in 1390 byPhilipp from the family of Nassau-Weilburg. The castle on a steep rock receivedhis name. The Nassau family had been in century-long fight with the Solmscounts. Castle Philippstein was aimed to oppose Braunfels, the castle of theSolms. This confrontation lasted up until the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648).
Same asBraunfels, Philippstein was under siege and was destroyed. But unlike theSolms, the Nassaus didn’t manage to reconstruct their family home. Partialreconstruction of Philippstein only became possible in our days thanks to theGerman society of castle protection (Burgverein). Together with the mayor’soffice of Braunfels they restored some parts of Philippstein. Today the castleon the rock attracts tourists again.