The most part of the Roman Museum is located in theopen air and is a reconstruction of the Vicus – the ancient Roman craft andtrade settlement. It was founded by the Emperor Octavian Augustus and destroyedby the Alamanni in 275 AD. The replica of the Gallo-Roman temple, dedicated tothe God Mercury, takes pride of place among the statues, columns and buildings,typical for that era.
The covered partof the Roman Museum is housed in the Edelhaus baroque villa, built in 1725. Thesecond floor exhibits archaeological remains found during excavations in this region.There is also an interesting exposition dedicated to the life of women inancient Rome. Among the showpieces you can find jewelry, utensils and eventoiletries which the ancient Romans used to beautify themselves. The groundfloor of the museum offers a collection of paintings of the famous painter andarchitect Johann Christian von Mannlich and several of his contemporaries. Thelife of von Mannlich is closely related to the history of the region. He was acourt painter of Prince Christian IV, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken, and was incharge of the Karlsberg Castle construction under Duke Charles II August.Later, von Mannlich gathered aremarkable collection of paintings in this castle. Fortunately, before thecastle was destroyed by French revolutionary troops in July 1793, the painterhad managed to take pictures, books of the princely library, collections ofweapons and furniture out of it.