On the 4km south of Hüfingen is the rise of the greatEuropean river Danube. The second longest river in Europe, the most"international" European river originates in the Black Forest, from astream called the Breg. Later, merging with another rivulet called the Brigach,the water source becomes the Danube River in its upper reaches. The rise of agreat river uniting so different peoples should but be mentioned specially. Andthe rise of the Danube under Hüfingen was mentioned so that this place attractscrowds of tourists.
In the town ofDonaueschingen is the rotunda surrounding a small puddle in the manner of awell. This is what is considered to be the source of the Danube (Donauequelle).Then the streamlet turns into the rivulet Breg, which flows also through Hüfingen.However, this is not the only place that is considered to be the rise of theDanube. The rise of the Brigham River, which is again located close to Hüfingen,could also be considered the rise of the Danube. Their location in themountains of the Black Forest, which is famous for its hiking trails, makesthese sources kin. There are always a lot of travelers in these places. Thesignificance of the place, wonderful nature, the proximity of the town with itscafés and restaurants are a great attraction for tourists.