Kaiserslautern’s JapaneseGarden is a unique place not only for the whole city, but also for Europe as awhole. The ambitious and costly project was made a reality jointly by Germandesigners, landscape architects, artists and their counterparts from Bunkyo, adistrict in Tokyo twinned with Kaiserslautern. The garden area is huge and one caneasily get lost and find peace in it.
According to Japanese tradition, every visitor must find in the gardenthe place that he/she likes the most and spend there some time thinking andmeditating. If you have the luck to visit the garden, don’t forget about this tradition.As expected, the garden is decorated with sculptures; it has waterfalls, rocksand pebbles, ponds with fish, quaint streams with bridges. All this plungesinto a pleasant trance, shuts off the superfluous thoughts and creates harmony.